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Old Towns | New Futures

IHBC - Heritage Reflections & Speculations from a Global Pandemic

Virtual School 2020


Carl Elefante, 94th President, American Institute of Architects; 

Carol Souter, Master of St Cross College, Oxford, former Chief Executive of the National Heritage Memorial Fund and Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).  Currently chair of the Planning Committee of the Oxford Preservation Trust, and previously guest judge for the IHBC’s Gus Astley Student Award;

Cliff Haguepast president of RTPI, and Emeritus Professor of Planning and Spatial Development at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh and Chair of Edinburgh’s civic trust, The Cockburn Association;

Adala Leeson, Head of Socio-Economic Analysis and Evaluation at Historic England;

Kris Declercq, Burgemeester (Mayor) of Roeselare, Flanders, Belgium, and president of the ‘West-Vlaamse Intercommunale’ ;

Plácido González Martínez, Professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University (China) and Executive Editor Built Heritage.

Programme Outline (subject to change)

19 June, 9.30-11.30 am BST (Session 1: Reflections) & 3.00-5.00 pm BST (Session2: Speculations)

Session1: Reflections from a pandemic, on how heritage fares: Community, Planning and Economics

  • Carole Souter: Topic Area – Community

  • Cliff Hague: Topic Area – Planning 

  • Adala Leeson: Topic Area – Economics 

Session 2: Speculations on a pandemic, and where heritage goes: Environment, Government and Urbanism

  • Carl Elefante: Topic area – Environment 

  • Kris Declerq: Topic area – Government 

  • Plácido González Martínez: Topic area – Urbanism

The organiser intend to broadcast participants' piece on 19 June as one of a series of recorded presentations on the in-house virtual conferencing platform, GoToWebinar.  This will be followed by an online discussion by available session panellists and guests of the wider issues, hosted by IHBC Chair David McDonald.  

The presentation will be timed to last no more than 20 minutes, and may be usefully based on some of the content intended for the Day School.

In the event of cancellation by the organiser, any fees paid will be refunded in full.

Official website:

Co-sponsored by

Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Arcplus Group PLC
World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the Auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP)
Shanghai Construction No.4 (Group) Co., Ltd.

Administered by

Ministry of Education of PRC

Sponsored by

Tongji University

Published by

Tongji University Press

​Springer Nature

© 2017-2023 All rights reserved. 

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