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Announcement of the International Conference

Digital Cultural Heritage: Future Visions a Landscape Perspective



1. Theme

The adoption of the Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage by UNESCO in 2003, formally expanded the concept of heritage to encompass cultural works and informational products either ‘created digitally, or converted into digital form’. The Charter was primarily a response to the concerns of institutions appointed to maintain repositories of public knowledge, such as museums, libraries and archives. The Charter affirms the role of such institutions and acknowledges opportunities to broaden access to historic resources through digital technologies. It also recognises the risks posed by technological obsolescence and the need to address supportive legislation for digital heritage. The Charter’s focus has, however, since been criticised for taking too narrow a view of what has become a rapidly progressing environment of digital tools, technologies and applications.

The concept of heritage also expanded with the recognition of cultural landscapes as a distinct category of World Heritage in 1992. This was followed by the adoption of UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003, and Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in 2011. While not as technologically seductive as the digital environment, cultural landscapes present unique preservation, presentation and sustainability issues associated with their spatial, temporal and intangible heritage qualities. The cultural landscape concept has similarly received criticism. Through failure to adequately articulate the dynamic nature of cultural heritage, the concept remains essentially conservation-driven and lacks the descriptive precision necessary to position cultural landscapes within mainstream planning and development frameworks.

Driven by these developments and criticisms, there has been significant interest in both digital heritage and cultural landscapes over recent years. The junction between the two, however, remains essentially under-explored. Digital technologies can improve conservation documentation and preservation techniques, enhance interpretation with interactive media, enrich archives with sensory experiences, and augment histories with crowdsourced data. Cultural landscapes can epitomise the nexus between cultural and natural heritage, acknowledge significant human interaction with environments over time, and recognise enduring intercultural dialogue across space, time and societies. Yet both can also provoke questions about authenticity, ownership and value, and challenge the concept of ‘living heritage’ and the sustainability of heritage values.

This conference seeks to explore the multiple implications and theoretical challenges of digital technologies for cultural landscapes. The conference will focus less on descriptive projects and more on how digital technologies can contribute to debates about the relationship between the cultural and natural past, present and future. What do we capture, commodify and experience using digital technologies and why? How are dynamic cultural landscapes interpreted, negotiated and represented and for whom? When should cultural landscapes be protected for future generations and how can they be managed sustainably for the present? The conference will focus on the emerging disciplines of digital cultural heritage and the established practice of heritage management, providing a platform for critical debate between those developing and applying innovative digital technology, and those seeking to integrated best practice into the preservation, presentation and sustainable management of historic cultural landscapes.

2. Conference Organisation

2.1  Sponsors

-      College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University

-      School of Architecture, University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia)

-      ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISC CL)

2.2  Supporters

-      Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture – Cultural Landscape Committee (CHSLA CLC)

-      World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (Shanghai) under the auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP, Shanghai)

-      International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage under the auspices of UNESCO

-      Chinese Landscape Architecture Journal

-      Built Heritage Journal

-      The Built Environment Technology Centre, CAUP Tongji University

-      ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Studies (ICIP)

2.3  Conference Convenors

-      Professor Feng Han, Assistant Professor Chen Yang, Tongji University, China

-      Associate Professor Chris Landorf, Dr Kelly Greenop, University of Queensland, Australia

3. Venue

College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China.

4. Dates and Schedule

Date: November 22–24, 2019 (The detailed agenda fill be released before the conference.)

November 22


  • Registration

November 23


  • Sign In

  • Opening Ceremony

  • Group Photo

  • Keynote Speech


  • Digital heritage presentation

  • Parallel sessions


  • Roundtable Forum on Digital Heritage

November 24


  • Keynote Speech

  • Closing ceremony


  • Shanghai Urban Heritage Tour

5. Keynote Speakers


6. Key Topics

  • Digital Cultural Heritage Recording & Analysis

  • Digital Cultural Heritage Monitoring & Management

  • Digital Conservation of Intangible Dimensions of Cultural Heritage

  • Heritage Assessment & Restoration with Innovative Technologies

  • Cultural Heritage Interpretation & Knowledge Dissemination

  • Innovative Data Application & Heritage Conservation

7. Tips

Participants need to pay for their own transportation, accommodation and other costs in Shanghai. Participants need to bring your ID card or passport for simultaneous interpretation device

8. Contacts


LI Jing: +86-188 0178 5543

Dr. REN Wei: +86-186 2152 7737


APPENDIX     Conference Schedule

11月22日(星期五)| 22 NOVEMBER (FRIDAY)

14:00-20:00 注册 | Registration

地点:B楼门厅 | Venue: Lobby of Building B


11月23日(星期六)| 23 NOVEMBER (SATURDAY)

08:00-08:30 注册 | Registration

地点:B楼门厅 | Venue: Lobby of Building B

08:30-09:30 开幕式 | Opening Ceremony

主持人:韩锋 | Chair: Prof. HAN Feng

地点:钟庭报告厅 | Venue: Bell Hall Building B

[提供中/英同传 | Simultaneous interpretation - English/Mandarin]

09:30-10:00 合影/茶歇 | Group Photo & Tea Break

地点:B楼门前 | Venue: The Entrance of Building B

10:00-12:00 主旨报告 | Keynote Speech

主持人 Chair: Associate Prof. Chris Landorf

地点:钟庭报告厅 | Venue: Bell Hall Building B

[提供中/英同传 | Simultaneous interpretation - English/Mandarin]

10:00-11:00 文化遗产数字化保护的方法及应用:从莫高窟到志莲净苑 Method and Application of Digital Preserving for Cultural Heritage - From Mogao Grottoes to Chi Lin Nunnery

李德仁 院士,朱宜萱 教授,武汉大学 | Prof. LI Deren & Prof. ZHU Yixuan, Wuhan University]

11:00-12:00 数字化丝绸之路:跨越边界的遗产 The Digital Silk Roads: Heritage across borders

Prof. Tim Winter | The University of Western Australia


12:00-13:30 午餐 | Lunch

数字化文化遗产展览 | Exhibition of Digital Cultural Heritage

地点:钟庭展厅 | Venue: Bell Hall Exhibition Space


13:30-15:40 平行会议 Parallel Session 1-3


分论坛1  数字化文化遗产记录与分析 Session One - Digital Cultural Heritage Recording & Analysis

主持人:张青萍 教授 | Chair: Prof. ZHANG Qingping

地点: D1 报告厅 | Venue: Lecture Room D1

13:30-13:50 Historic American Landscape Survey Examples from the US National Park Service [特邀报告 Invited Presentation]

Patricia O’Donnell | President of ICOMOS-IFLA ISCCL

13:50-14:10 长城的景观特质与潜力——明长城全线图像与三维数据景观价值挖掘 The Characteristics and potential of the landscape of Great Wall – the exploration of the value of images and 3D data of Ming dynasty Great Wall

李哲 副教授 Associate Prof. LI Zhe | 天津大学Tianjin University

14:10-14:30 Comparison of data capture technologies for cultural landscape documentation and visualization

Associate Prof. Cari Goetcheus | University of Georgia, USA

14:30-14:50 数字化遗产记录:文化景观保护的新视野 Digital heritage documentation: New perspectives of cultural landscape conservation

杨晨 助理教授 Assistant Prof. YANG Chen | 同济大学 Tongji University

14:50-15:10 数字化视野下的皇家园林 Royal gardens under the perspective of digitisation

谢麟冬XIE Lindong | 清华同衡规划设计研究院 Tsinghua Tongheng Planning & Design Institute

15:10-15:20 基于数字化测绘的江南私家园林假山的保护与活化 Protection and activation of Jiangnan private garden rockery based on digital surveying and mapping

董芊里 DONG Qianli | 南京林业大学Nanjing Forestry University

15:20-15:40 讨论 Discussion


分论坛2  数字化文化遗产监测与管理 Session Two - Digital Cultural Heritage Monitoring & Management

主持人:陈富龙 教授 | Chair: Prof. CHEN Fulong

地点:D2报告厅 | Venue: Lecture Room D2

13:30-13:50 雷达干涉视角下的文化遗产异常形变监测与可持续化保护 Motion preventive monitoring for the sustainable conservation of cultural heritage sites under the space-eye of radar interferometry [特邀报告 Invited Presentation]

陈富龙 教授 Prof. CHEN Fulong | 中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences

13:50-14:10 基于有序Probit模型的遗产地居民步行环境满意度研究——以鼓浪屿为例 Research on walking environment satisfaction of residents based on ordered Probit model – a case study of Gulangyu

李渊 教授 Prof. LI Yuan | 厦门大学 Xiamen University

14:10-14:30 时空数据融合的自然遗产地监测与保护管理平台设计方案 Platform design scheme of natural heritage monitoring and protection management based on spatio-temporal data fusion

项波 XIANG Bo | 中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences

14:30-14:50 Digital preservation of the Boggo Road Gaol: a case-study in digitally capturing tangible-and-intangible cultural heritage

Jay Stocker | The University of Queensland, Australia

14:50-15:10 Digital cultural heritage futures: progress, opportunities, and challenges in academia and practice

Dr. Kelly Greenop & Associate Prof. Chris Landorf | The University of Queensland, Australia

15:10-15:20 视角系数能否预测景观认知:以东京文化遗产庭园为例 Does view factor predict landscape cognition: A case study of Tokyo cultural heritage garden

施佳颖 SHI Jiaying | 千叶大学 Chiba University

15:20-15:40 讨论 Discussion


分论坛3  非物质遗产的数字化保护 Session Three - Digital Conservation of Intangible Dimensions of Cultural Heritage

主持人:贾建中 教授 | Chair: Prof. JIA Jianzhong

地点:D3报告厅 Venue: Lecture Room D3

13:30-13:50 鄂温克聚落游-居文化基因的信息元提取与架构Information unit extraction and structure of Ewenki settlement wander-dwelling cultural gene

仵娅婷 WU Yating | 哈尔滨工业大学 Harbin Institute of Technology

13:50-14:10 过去到未来——数字化对文化景观中个人情感与集体记忆的传承 Past to future – the digital inheritance of individual emotions and collective memories in culture landscape

池梦洁 CHI Mengjie | 西藏民族大学 Xizang Minzu University

14:10-14:30 南京城“象天设都”文化景观及其保护实践 The cultural landscape heritage and its protection practice of ‘planning the capital according to astronomy’ in Nanjing in the Ming dynasty

刘斌 LIU Bin | 南京城墙保护管理中心 Nanjing City Wall Protection and Management Centre

14:30-14:50 Digital places: revealing the physical, social and cultural significance of settlements in China and India with digital technologies

赵潇欣 ZHAO Xiaoxin | The University of Queensland, Australia

14:50-15:00 康有为海外游记中的文化遗产保护理念研究 A study on the concept of cultural heritage protection conveyed in KANG Youwei's overseas travel notes

张昪 ZHANG Bian | 华中科技大学 Huazhong University of Science & Technology

15:00-15:10 浙江传统生态卵石铺装营造技法与数字化传承--以张家渡村为例 Zhejiang traditional ecological cobble paving construction techniques – a case study of Zhangjiadu village

巫木旺WU Muwang | 浙江理工大学 Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

15:10-15:30 讨论 Discussion


15:40-16:00 茶歇 | Tea Break


16:00-18:10 平行会议 Parallel Session 4-6

分论坛4  新技术支持下的遗产评价与修复 Session Four - Heritage Assessment & Restoration with Innovative Technologies

主持人: 成玉宁 教授 | Chair: Prof. CHENG Yuning

地点: D1报告厅 | Venue: Lecture Room D1

16:00-16:20 绿视衰减曲线:文化遗产街区步行环境绿视率测度与评价 Green visibility attenuation curve: Measurement and evaluation of green view rate of walking environment in culture heritage blocks

黄竞雄HUANG Jingxiong | 厦门大学 Xiamen University

16:20-16:40 贫民窟的重生之路——以哥伦比亚麦德林危房改造项目为例浅谈数字化文化遗产的机遇与挑战 The regeneration of slums – digital cultural heritage case study of the retrofit project in Medellin, Colombia

都胜君DU Shengjun | Autodesk Shanghai

16:40-17:00 数码孪生技术在风貌特色建筑保护中的应用初探——以上海同济新村为例 Preliminary Study on the Application of Digital Twin Technology in the Protection of Architectural Features——Taking Tongji-New-Village in Shanghai as an Example

庞磊 PANG Lei | 同济大学 Tongji University

17:00-17:20 Restauration and HBIM: a specific case in the restoration of the Monument of Ercole I D’Este in Ferrara

Benedetta Caglioti | University of Ferrara, Italy

17:20-17:40 Smart Heritage: The Convergence of Heritage and the Smart City

David Batchelor | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

17:40-17:50 基于集群多代理系统的历史保护建筑群公共空间结构更新研究——以衡复历史文化风貌区复兴路片区为例 Research on public space structure updating of historically protected buildings based on cluster multi-agent system – taking Fuxing road area of Hengfu historical and cultural area as an example

顾卓行GU Zhuoxing | 同济大学Tongji University

17:50-18:00 历时与体验:数字交互技术在工业遗产景观的设计方法初探 Diachronic and experience: A preliminary study on the design method of digital interactive technology in industrial heritage landscape

朱怡晨 ZHU Yichen | 同济大学 Tongji University

18:00-18:20 讨论 Discussion


分论坛5  文化遗产解说与知识传播 Session Five - Cultural Heritage Interpretation and Knowledge Dissemination

主持人: 贺艳 | Chair: HE Yan

地点:D2报告厅 | Venue: Lecture Room D2

16:00-16:20 数字化时代的公众参与遗产保护:基于福州复园路的观察 The public participation of the conservation of cultural heritage in digital age: An observation based on Fuyuan Road Fuzhou

林轶南LIN Yinan | 华东理工大学 East China University of Science and Technology

16:20-16:40 欧盟地平线2020框架下新兴技术在文化遗产活化领域的应用 Application of emerging technologies in cultural heritage alive under the EU Horizon 2020 framework

任伟REN Wei | 同济大学 Tongji University

16:40-17:00 Rethinking mnemonic strategies: For Aceh’s Post-destruction Landscapes

Julie Nichols | University of South Australia

17:00-17:20 Records and repositories: What do we do with our digital data?

Associate Prof. Leigh Shutter | Griffith University, Australia

17:20-17:40 VR技术在文化遗产保护与传承中的应用探讨 Investigation on applying VR techniques to protect and inherit cultural heritage

吴志群 WU Zhiqun | 北京北建大科技公司 Beijing Beijianda Technology Co., Ltd

17:40-17:50 淳安县狮城离乡人的数字“回乡之路”——基于数字化技术的千岛湖水下古城结合水上景观的复原保护与展示研究 Digital home road for Lion City Villagers – research on digital heritage landscape conservation of underwater ancient city

张书羽 ZHANG Shuyu | 同济大学 Tongji University

17:50-18:00 湖南大学校园文化景观数字化保护设想 Digital Protection of Campus Cultural Landscape in Hunan University

胡紫腾HU Ziteng | 湖南大学 Hunan University

18:00-18:20 讨论 Discussion


分论坛6  创新数据利用与遗产保护 Session Six - Innovative Data Application and Heritage Conservation

主持人: 周宏俊 副教授 | Chair: Associate Prof. ZHOU Hongjun

地点:D3 会议室 | Venue: Lecture Room D3

16:00-16:20 Digital imaging of arboreal habitats for their preservation and more-than-human heritage

Stanislav Roudavski | University of Melbourne, Australia

16:20-16:40 基于数据分析的世界遗产地生物多样性OUV指标、干扰因子及保护策略研究 Research on OUV indicators, disturbance factors and conservation strategies of World Heritage sites based on data analysis

张德顺 教授 Prof. ZHANG Deshun | 同济大学 Tongji University

16:40-17:00 Digital cultural heritage and rural landscapes: Preserving the histories of landscape conservation in the United States

Associate Prof. Sarah Karle | University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

17:00-17:20 基于数据分析的世界遗产标准vii运用趋势及演化研究 Research on the application trends and evolutionary reasons of world heritage criteria vii based on data analysis

许晓青 助理教授 Assistant Prof. XU Xiaoqing | 同济大学Tongji University

17:20-17:40 网络点评数据驱动下的历史性城镇景观消费空间体验与感知研究 Research on the experience and perception of consumption space of the historic urban landscape based on online review data

周详 助理教授 Assistant Prof. ZHOU Xiang | 东南大学 Southeast University

17:40-17:50 地质遗产数字化公众阐释前沿技术介述 An introduction to the advanced digital technologies for the interpretation of geological heritage

程安祺CHENG Anqi | 同济大学 Tongji University

17:50-18:10 讨论 Discussion


18:20-19:30 晚餐 | Dinner


19:30-21:00 数字化遗产圆桌论坛 | Roundtable Forum on Digital Cultural Heritage

主持人 Chair: Dr. Kelly Greenop

参与人:中外数字化文化遗产专家 | Participants: Experts from China and overseas

地点:钟庭报告厅 | Venue: Bell Hall, Building B

[提供中/英同传 | simultaneous interpretation - English/Mandarin]


11月24日(星期日)24 NOVEMBER (SUNDAY)

08:30-10:30 主旨报告 Keynote Speech

主持人:杨晨 助理教授 | Chair: Assistant Prof. YANG Chen

地点:钟庭报告厅 | Venue: Bell Hall, Building B

[提供中/英同传 | simultaneous interpretation - English/Mandarin]

08:30-09:30 遗产保护与建造中的数字化工具 Digital Tools for Heritage Management and Construction

Dr. Tom Brigden | 英国珀塞尔公司 Purcell, UK

09:30-10:30 遗产保护的数字化工作流程及其面临的伦理与技术挑战 Harnessing digital workflows for the understanding, promotion and participation in the conservation of heritage sites by meeting both ethical and technical challenges

Associate Prof. Mario Santana | 加拿大卡尔顿大学 Carleton University, Canada


10:30-10:50 茶歇 | Tea Break


10:50-12:00 闭幕式 | Closing Ceremony

主持人:韩锋 教授 | Chair: Prof. HAN Feng

地点:钟庭报告厅 | Venue: Bell Hall, Building B

[提供中/英同传 | simultaneous interpretation - English/Mandarin]


12:00-13:30 午餐 Lunch


13:30-17:00 上海城市遗产考察 – 杨浦滨江工业遗产 | Shanghai Urban Heritage Tour – Yangpu Waterfront Industrial Heritage

负责人:徐青 副教授 | Tour Leader: Associate Prof. XU Qing

[友情提示:为保证相关会务安排,所有希望参加考察的代表需要在22日或23日注册时登记确认并现场领票 Reminder: In order to ensure the tour arrangements, all delegates who wish to participate in the tour need to register and confirm at the time of registration on 22 or 23 November 2019]



会场交通 | Map

Li-Deren 李德仁.jpg

Professor LI Deren

 Wuhan University, China

Topic: Method and Application of Digital Preserving for Cultural Heritage - From Mogao Grottoes to Chi Lin Nunnery (By Prof. Li Deren and Prof. Zhu Yixuan)

Resume: LI Deren is a professor and PhD supervisor at Wuhan University. Prof. Li is a member of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He is also a member of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and the International Academy of Astronautics. Prof. Li received his PhD from the University of Stuttgart in Germany and is an Honorary Doctor of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich in Switzerland. Professor Li is an internationally renowned expert and educator in photogrammetry, remote sensing and geoinformatics, and an active strategic scientist in the field of Earth observation. Prof. Li is currently Director of the Academic Committee of Wuhan University, Director of the Geospatial Information Technology Collaborative Innovation Center, and Chairman of the Wuhan Science and Technology Association.

Prof. Li has successfully supervised over 200 PhD candidates, published 11 books and over 850 papers, which have been cited over 24,000 times. Prof. Li Deren has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award (Innovation Team) and the National Science and Technology Progress Awards five times (4 of which ranked first and 1 ranked second). He has won the 2nd National Teaching Achievement Award twice (all ranked first), and the He Liang He Li Science and Technology Progress Award. In 2012, the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing awarded him the title of “Honorary Member”, the highest honour in the field with only 10 people from all over the world enjoying this honor.


Professor Tim Winter

The University of Western Australia, Australia

Topic: The Digital Silk Roads: Heritage across borders

Resume: Professor Winter is a sociologist by training and a university academic. Having previously held positions in Singapore, Sydney and Melbourne, he has recently taken up a professorship in Critical Heritage Studies at the University of Western Australia. His work centres on the cultural past as a vector of nationalism, diplomacy, geopolitics and economic development. He is currently writing two books on heritage diplomacy. The first examines the China's Belt and Road Initiative, and the revival of the Silk Roads for the 21st century. Fascinating questions are arising around the use of history and heritage to advance trade and diplomatic relations across the Eurasia region. The second volume explores heritage diplomacy as a conceptual and historical issue. It addresses the role culture and heritage conservation have played in international relations, and how they come to be institutionally structured via an elaborate dance of cosmopolitanism and national interest. Professor Winter’s other key research area focuses on built environment sustainability in the context of rapid urban development in Asia and the Gulf. Casting its focus on air conditioning, this work considers how everyday material cultures and social practices associated with thermal comfort enable, reflect and constitute broader ideological abstractions of modernity, progress and development. The aim is to rethink the use of everyday technologies and the cultural changes necessary for more sustainable lifestyles.


Dr. Tom Brigden

Purcell Architects, Master Planners, Heritage Consultants, United Kingdom

Topic: Digital Tools for Heritage Management and Construction

Resume: Tom has technical skills as an Architect as well as historical research and reporting skills. He graduated from the Welsh School of Architecture with the T. Alwyn Lloyd Scholarship for Best Performance 2009. He has teaching experience in architectural education, having tutored and lectured at Cardiff University, Newcastle University, the Architectural Association and the Washington Alexandria Architecture Centre, Washington D.C. Tom’s doctoral dissertation was commended as ‘outstanding’ at the RIBA President’s Awards for Research 2014.


Associate Professor Mario Santana

Carleton University, Canada

Topic: Harnessing digital workflows for the understanding, promotion and participation in the conservation of heritage sites by meeting both ethical and technical challenges

Resume: Mario Santana-Quintero, is an associate professor at department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Carleton University. He is also the Director of the NSERC Create program Heritage Engineering based at the Carleton immersive Media Studio Lab (CIMS). He is also a guest professor at the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (University of Leuven). Along with his academic activities, he serves as Vice President of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and he is the past president of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation (CIPA). Furthermore, he has been a Getty Conservation Institute scholar and he collaborated in several international projects in the field of heritage documentation for The Getty Conservation Institute, UNESCO, Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, ICCROM, World Monuments Fund, UNDP, Welfare Association, and the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu Dhabi.

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