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Urbanism and Sociology

Guest:Prof. Alain Bourdin 

Alain Bourdin, urbanist and sociologist, professor of French Institute of Urbanism, is the former director of French Institute of Urbanism and director of Laboratory of Urbanism (Lab’urba). He develops especially the research and practice in the domain of urbanism and sociology. His research field is particularly related to heritage studies, urban strategy, major urban projects and the evolution of urban lifestyles. He published many books, such as The heritage reinvent (1983), The local question (2000), Urbanism of lifestyle (2004), Post-crisis urban planning (2010) etc. He is the chef editor of many important revues, including International Urbanism Journal, Spaces and Societies, International Cahier of Sociology etc. He is the scientific president of many French and transnational research, for example, the recent research of Building Polycentric Grand Paris, Ambiances and public spaces of the Defense and Platform for observation of projects and urban strategies ( research in ten countries in Europe and north American) which started from 2003. He is also the professor of Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (RLICC), University of Genève and other universities.

Time:  18:30, 2018/05/21

Room: 3rd floor,Wenyuan Building 

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